Deephaven Well Water System for Iron, Arsenic + More

This Deephaven well water system was designed for our client that moved into a beautiful custom home… with very ugly water! The home was beautifully appointed, but every plumbing fixture and appliance was being ruined. To make matters worse, the water had arsenic and was unsafe to drink.
Premier Water was able to provide our client with an efficient system and safe water at every tap. Read more to see what we did!
Every Deephaven, MN Well Water Problem
Homes in Deephaven often share one thing in common: well water with high iron. Rust stains are a problem that we’ve been fixing here for years. And rust stains are often accompanied by slimy, smelly iron bacteria.
Arsenic is another common problem around Lake Minnetonka (Deephaven is no exception). We’ve done so much arsenic remediation in Deephaven that Premier Water was interviewed by KSTP as local arsenic removal experts.
As a result, the water was hard, rusty, smelly, and potentially unhealthy.

Safe, Clear Soft Water at Every Tap
When you have a lot of problems to fix, you need the right tool for each job. Water softeners can remove one type of iron, but not oxidized iron, or iron bacteria. Using a water softener to remove iron is also not very water or salt efficient.
A water softener-only installation clearly didn’t work. And it did nothing to reduce the arsenic levels in the water.
Here’s how we built our client an efficient, reliable well water treatment system:

Iron Curtain Storm Ozone Iron Filter
First, we started with an ozone iron filter system to do the heavy lifting. The Iron Curtain Storm uses a combination of air and ozone to oxidize metals like iron and arsenic.
The special filter media processes water down to levels as small as 3 microns. This helps give the water exceptional clarity too.
- Stops rust stains and odors
- Helps reduce arsenic levels
- Naturally sanitizes with ozone

ProMate 6.0 Well Water Softener
Next, we used the ProMate 6.0 water softener. Its design uses a more vigorous flush and rinse than city water systems like our EcoMax HE water softener. This gives our customer a second layer of defense in case any iron or manganese gets through the iron filter.
- Effective solution hard water
- Better for iron and manganese than other softeners
- Fewer moving parts for better reliability

Whole House Arsenic Filter
Finally, we used one of our Whole House Arsenic Filters which is effective against both arsenic III and arsenic V. A special adsorbent media sucks up arsenic like a sponge.
Best of all, there are no moving parts or potentially hazardous waste water with our system. The filter incorporates sample ports for water testing, and a monitoring system to make sure the water always has safe levels of arsenic.
- Reduces arsenic III and arsenic V
- No moving parts
- ZERO waste water
No Rust Stains, Odor, or Arsenic!
Now our client can make up every morning to fresh, clean water. This Deephaven well water system eliminated every problem our client had, one-by-one.
As a result, our client no longer has to brush their teeth with water that smells like rotten eggs. No more lifting up a toilet lid only to find new rust stains. Finally, they can have piece of mind when they drink water in their home.
Now they have can enjoy each day with great water at every tap!
Do You Need Safer, Cleaner Water?
Contact us for a FREE water test and estimate. We’ll help you find the best well water treatment system to get you safe, clear soft water.