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Premier Water Blog

Birm Filter Media for Whole House Water Filters

Birm Filter Media for Whole House Water Filters

Birm Iron Filter Media is a common filter component used for iron removal in whole house water filters. Birm is manufactured and processed by the Clack Corporation in Windsor, Wisconsin. In this article, we’ll take a look at how Birm works, along with some...

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New Research Takes a Closer Look at Chromium in Water

New Research Takes a Closer Look at Chromium in Water

On September 30, 2010, a draft was released by the EPA's IRIS Program for independent expert peer review and public comment. This draft addresses both non-cancer and cancer health effects associated with the ingestion of Hexavalent Chromium , aka Chromium 6, over a...

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Smashburger in Plymouth Saves Money with Water Softener

Smashburger in Plymouth Saves Money with Water Softener

In their own words:   Smashburger was born to carry the torch for the modern burger lover. Where smash, sizzle, savor means a dedication to creating the best-tasting "cooked-to-order" burger. Where the food is served to you quickly and on a plate - not in a bag....

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